Walking for Education

Taking on challenges for the kids of Elisama

cropped-logo_ie_99.jpg22 September 2014

Hitting middle age for some can cause a big life shift, but it doesn’t have to be a crisis. Fiona Forrest, an Aussie expat in Jakarta for eight years, woke up at age 45 and something snapped. She was going to get really fit. And she did. Coinciding with this inward focus on health came an outward focus on those less fortunate. Since then, Forrest has undertaken three physical challenges as fundraising efforts for underprivileged children’s education. Continue reading “Walking for Education”

Sekolah Kami

Breakinng the Cycle of Poverty for Trash-Pickers’ Children through Education

cropped-logo_ie_99.jpgIssue #118, 20 May 2014

Story & Photography by Gail G. Collins

As we approached the school to volunteer our time, girls swept with rush brooms and boys tidied up. They are used to picking up trash; many are the children of pemulung (scavengers). But their actions represent more than that. This is Sekolah Kami, or Our School in Indonesian, and these children have a sense of pride in their school that other students might take for granted. Continue reading “Sekolah Kami”

Coping with Autumn Allergies

How to Prevent the Cycle of Seasonal Allergies

mag bar Fall 2010

Fall-2010“Twenty to thirty percent of the general population has some allergy problems,” says Douglas K. Schreiber, M.D. of Copperfield Allergy & Asthma. “And there’s a lot of bad information and home remedies out there.” The number takes into account food, seasonal, and topical allergies. And though over-the-counter medications help people cope, he advised caution in self-diagnosis and treatment. Continue reading “Coping with Autumn Allergies”