A Wake-up Call for Women

Two Cy-Fair Women with heart disease remind females of the risks and symptoms

mag bar Spring 2014

Veronica Sanchez didn’t know she had a problem until she was admitted to the hospital with her second heart attack. The 51-year-old had recently passed her annual check-up, when she woke in the night with chest pressure and nausea. She crawled to the bathroom, and then, watched some television, hoping to feel better. When Sanchez’s left arm went numb, she alerted her husband, who took her to the emergency room. There, she learned that most women don’t wake up during such an episode, and this saved her life. Continue reading “A Wake-up Call for Women”

Oodles of Poodles

Cy-Fair haven for poodles rehabilitates and places in loving homes each year

mag bar Winter 2013

poodle rescueWhen Beverly was rescued from a local Houston shelter, she was a brown, matted mess. Poodle Rescue of Houston (PRH) cleaned her up, and two hours later, she looked like a fluffy, cream dream. The non-profit haven assisted 800 distressed and homeless poodles last year alone. “Once we rescue dogs, we rehabilitate them and offer them for adoption to carefully screened families and individuals,” says PRH Executive Director Guinette Peebles. Continue reading “Oodles of Poodles”

Families: Life in the Skies

Cy-Fair airline industry employees make friendly connections on the fly

Fall 2013

Life in the Skies 2

If you love to travel, working for an airline is to one of the best ways to do it. Employees put on a uniform and a smile to greet a revolving planeload of passengers, but off-duty, they and their families travel at generous discounts or with passes. The opportunities and flexibility of a flight crew job offer domestic and international horizons far overreaching those of a 9-5 office job.

“If you want to fly a lot or a little, and have seniority with the airline, you can job-share your monthly schedule,” says Renee Kirkes. A flight attendant for 14 years with Continental Airlines, who merged with United Airlines, Kirkes is married with two young daughters. She is generally gone one or two nights week, working a circuit that takes her from Houston to Chicago to Seattle and home again. “The job keeps me sane. Moms don’t get enough credit for being at home, but with a 10-hour layover, I get to recharge,” Kirkes says. “I feel appreciated and have the best of both worlds.” Continue reading “Families: Life in the Skies”

Best Girlfriends

Besties speak from the heart about what keeps them close

KMHeader2012Summer 2013

Katy Besties Summer 2013Some relationships are for a season, and others, for reasons no one can explain, last a lifetime. These Katy-area best friends arrange to see each other regularly, but also have to contend with moves, motherhood, illness, and more. Through it all, their bonds grow stronger as their history grows longer. Continue reading “Best Girlfriends”

Heart and Health Ministries International

This Cy-Fair non-profit brings medicine and joy to developing nations

mag bar Summer 2013

Hearth and Health MinistriesWhen nurse practitioner Angela Okotie-Eboh’s childhood friend died of a massive heart attack in her home country of Nigeria, Angela reacted with sorrow and determination. Her friend’s death could have been prevented with basic medical care, so Angela began a practical campaign to help prevent substandard medical care in places like Nigeria. The friend was the same age as Angela, only 42 years old, and her senseless death really hit home. For Angela, where she now lives in the U.S., a place where people often take their medical care for granted, and in her birthplace of Africa, where people in remote locales don’t even have Tylenol to relieve pain. Continue reading “Heart and Health Ministries International”

KHOU Channel News Host Lily Jang

Spirit of Texas’ Lily Jang is a hometown gal anchored in Cy-Fair

mag bar Spring 2013

lilyjangLily Jang is an Emmy-nominated news anchor who loves greeting her hometown on Channel 11 each weekday morning. Growing up in Northwest Houston and graduating from University of Texas, her heart is where her boots are. The self-proclaimed fitness fanatic, world traveler, and social media queen is all about Houston, all of the time. Continue reading “KHOU Channel News Host Lily Jang”

Stormy Cooper

Cy-Fair bass player performs on a world stage with the Roger Creager Band and mentors musical dreams

mag bar Spring 2013

RCreager2“Small steps lead to big things.” That’s the kind of advice bassist Stormy Cooper offers to rising fellow Cy-Fair artists. His words are from the heart and born of experience. The owner of Stormy Cooper Media (SC Media) and 13-year veteran of the Roger Creager Band has slowly and steadily walked toward success in the music industry.

Cooper’s earliest memories are of his musician father coming home from gigs with his guitars and issuing a stern warning. “He’d tell me, ‘Don’t touch the guitars,’ but of course, I did,” Cooper says. “I messed around with them and learned how to play.” Continue reading “Stormy Cooper”

CrossFit for Life

Exploring the constantly varied, high-intensity world of Cy-Fair’s CrossFit workouts

mag bar Winter 2012

Crossfit 1There is no mirror or air conditioning, and big fans create warehouse utility that leads members to call their gym “the box.” Truck tires lean against a slump block wall, kettle bells line up behind free weights, jump ropes wait for another sweaty skip, and pull-up bars resemble scaffolding. This is no-frills, functional fitness. This is CrossFit.

Outside Your Comfort Zone

Greg Glassman conceived the tough workout format to keep the Santa Cruz, CA Police Department in shape. In 2000, Glassman founded CrossFit and describes it as “constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement.” All coaches receive training based on his principles to become level one trainers. Continue reading “CrossFit for Life”

Remembering our Local Heroes Sergeant Matthew Harvey

Cy-Fair family and friends honor the memory of this special soldier

mag bar Winter 2012

Sergeant Matthew Harvey, affectionately known to friends as Matt, was a loving husband, a devoted father, and a dedicated soldier decorated with two Purple Hearts when he died tragically at the age of 29.

Several Close Calls

M HarveyThe Cy-Fair High School graduate was deployed to Iraq three times, suffering a bullet to the head on one occasion. His Kevlar helmet saved him, but his wife Crystal can’t forget his phone call regarding the mission to clear roadside bombs. “He told me ‘Don’t freak out, but I got shot in the head, and I’m okay,’” she says. Continue reading “Remembering our Local Heroes Sergeant Matthew Harvey”

Dedication to a Degree

Lone Star College-CyFair Grad, 83-year old Peggy Wills, schools others in sticking to it and earning a degree

mag bar Winter 2012

Wills 1If Peggy Wills had to be described with one word, it would be determined. With her children grown and recently widowed, Wills decided to pursue her college degree.

Working part time and attending classes proved difficult, not to mention she was 75 years old when she started. Still, Wills cheerfully says, “It’s been a wonderfully blessed, marvelous, eight years since I started the journey to get my degree. I wanted to do something good.” Recently Peggy Wills, now 83, earned her associate of arts in visual communications and video and post production from Lone Star College-CyFair. Continue reading “Dedication to a Degree”